
Enum KeyboardUsage

pub enum KeyboardUsage {
Show 219 variants KeyboardErrorRollOver = 1, KeyboardPOSTFail = 2, KeyboardErrorUndefined = 3, KeyboardAa = 4, KeyboardBb = 5, KeyboardCc = 6, KeyboardDd = 7, KeyboardEe = 8, KeyboardFf = 9, KeyboardGg = 10, KeyboardHh = 11, KeyboardIi = 12, KeyboardJj = 13, KeyboardKk = 14, KeyboardLl = 15, KeyboardMm = 16, KeyboardNn = 17, KeyboardOo = 18, KeyboardPp = 19, KeyboardQq = 20, KeyboardRr = 21, KeyboardSs = 22, KeyboardTt = 23, KeyboardUu = 24, KeyboardVv = 25, KeyboardWw = 26, KeyboardXx = 27, KeyboardYy = 28, KeyboardZz = 29, Keyboard1Exclamation = 30, Keyboard2At = 31, Keyboard3Hash = 32, Keyboard4Dollar = 33, Keyboard5Percent = 34, Keyboard6Caret = 35, Keyboard7Ampersand = 36, Keyboard8Asterisk = 37, Keyboard9OpenParens = 38, Keyboard0CloseParens = 39, KeyboardEnter = 40, KeyboardEscape = 41, KeyboardBackspace = 42, KeyboardTab = 43, KeyboardSpacebar = 44, KeyboardDashUnderscore = 45, KeyboardEqualPlus = 46, KeyboardOpenBracketBrace = 47, KeyboardCloseBracketBrace = 48, KeyboardBackslashBar = 49, KeyboardNonUSHash = 50, KeyboardSemiColon = 51, KeyboardSingleDoubleQuote = 52, KeyboardBacktickTilde = 53, KeyboardCommaLess = 54, KeyboardPeriodGreater = 55, KeyboardSlashQuestion = 56, KeyboardCapsLock = 57, KeyboardF1 = 58, KeyboardF2 = 59, KeyboardF3 = 60, KeyboardF4 = 61, KeyboardF5 = 62, KeyboardF6 = 63, KeyboardF7 = 64, KeyboardF8 = 65, KeyboardF9 = 66, KeyboardF10 = 67, KeyboardF11 = 68, KeyboardF12 = 69, KeyboardPrintScreen = 70, KeyboardScrollLock = 71, KeyboardPause = 72, KeyboardInsert = 73, KeyboardHome = 74, KeyboardPageUp = 75, KeyboardDelete = 76, KeyboardEnd = 77, KeyboardPageDown = 78, KeyboardRightArrow = 79, KeyboardLeftArrow = 80, KeyboardDownArrow = 81, KeyboardUpArrow = 82, KeypadNumLock = 83, KeypadDivide = 84, KeypadMultiply = 85, KeypadMinus = 86, KeypadPlus = 87, KeypadEnter = 88, Keypad1End = 89, Keypad2DownArrow = 90, Keypad3PageDown = 91, Keypad4LeftArrow = 92, Keypad5 = 93, Keypad6RightArrow = 94, Keypad7Home = 95, Keypad8UpArrow = 96, Keypad9PageUp = 97, Keypad0Insert = 98, KeypadPeriodDelete = 99, KeyboardNonUSSlash = 100, KeyboardApplication = 101, KeyboardPower = 102, KeypadEqual = 103, KeyboardF13 = 104, KeyboardF14 = 105, KeyboardF15 = 106, KeyboardF16 = 107, KeyboardF17 = 108, KeyboardF18 = 109, KeyboardF19 = 110, KeyboardF20 = 111, KeyboardF21 = 112, KeyboardF22 = 113, KeyboardF23 = 114, KeyboardF24 = 115, KeyboardExecute = 116, KeyboardHelp = 117, KeyboardMenu = 118, KeyboardSelect = 119, KeyboardStop = 120, KeyboardAgain = 121, KeyboardUndo = 122, KeyboardCut = 123, KeyboardCopy = 124, KeyboardPaste = 125, KeyboardFind = 126, KeyboardMute = 127, KeyboardVolumeUp = 128, KeyboardVolumeDown = 129, KeyboardLockingCapsLock = 130, KeyboardLockingNumLock = 131, KeyboardLockingScrollLock = 132, KeypadComma = 133, KeypadEqualSign = 134, KeyboardInternational1 = 135, KeyboardInternational2 = 136, KeyboardInternational3 = 137, KeyboardInternational4 = 138, KeyboardInternational5 = 139, KeyboardInternational6 = 140, KeyboardInternational7 = 141, KeyboardInternational8 = 142, KeyboardInternational9 = 143, KeyboardLANG1 = 144, KeyboardLANG2 = 145, KeyboardLANG3 = 146, KeyboardLANG4 = 147, KeyboardLANG5 = 148, KeyboardLANG6 = 149, KeyboardLANG7 = 150, KeyboardLANG8 = 151, KeyboardLANG9 = 152, KeyboardAlternateErase = 153, KeyboardSysReqAttention = 154, KeyboardCancel = 155, KeyboardClear = 156, KeyboardPrior = 157, KeyboardReturn = 158, KeyboardSeparator = 159, KeyboardOut = 160, KeyboardOper = 161, KeyboardClearAgain = 162, KeyboardCrSelProps = 163, KeyboardExSel = 164, Keypad00 = 176, Keypad000 = 177, ThousandsSeparator = 178, DecimalSeparator = 179, CurrencyUnit = 180, CurrencySubunit = 181, KeypadOpenParens = 182, KeypadCloseParens = 183, KeypadOpenBrace = 184, KeypadCloseBrace = 185, KeypadTab = 186, KeypadBackspace = 187, KeypadA = 188, KeypadB = 189, KeypadC = 190, KeypadD = 191, KeypadE = 192, KeypadF = 193, KeypadBitwiseXor = 194, KeypadLogicalXor = 195, KeypadModulo = 196, KeypadLeftShift = 197, KeypadRightShift = 198, KeypadBitwiseAnd = 199, KeypadLogicalAnd = 200, KeypadBitwiseOr = 201, KeypadLogicalOr = 202, KeypadColon = 203, KeypadHash = 204, KeypadSpace = 205, KeypadAt = 206, KeypadExclamation = 207, KeypadMemoryStore = 208, KeypadMemoryRecall = 209, KeypadMemoryClear = 210, KeypadMemoryAdd = 211, KeypadMemorySubtract = 212, KeypadMemoryMultiply = 213, KeypadMemoryDivide = 214, KeypadPositiveNegative = 215, KeypadClear = 216, KeypadClearEntry = 217, KeypadBinary = 218, KeypadOctal = 219, KeypadDecimal = 220, KeypadHexadecimal = 221, KeyboardLeftControl = 224, KeyboardLeftShift = 225, KeyboardLeftAlt = 226, KeyboardLeftGUI = 227, KeyboardRightControl = 228, KeyboardRightShift = 229, KeyboardRightAlt = 230, KeyboardRightGUI = 231, Reserved = 232,
Expand description

KeyboardUsage describes the key codes to be used in implementing a USB keyboard.

The usage type of all key codes is Selectors, except for the modifier keys Keyboard Left Control to Keyboard Right GUI which are Dynamic Flags.

Reference: (Section 10, page 88)

Variants (Non-exhaustive)§

This enum is marked as non-exhaustive
Non-exhaustive enums could have additional variants added in future. Therefore, when matching against variants of non-exhaustive enums, an extra wildcard arm must be added to account for any future variants.

KeyboardErrorRollOver = 1

Keyboard ErrorRollOver (Footnote 1)


KeyboardPOSTFail = 2

Keyboard POSTFail (Footnote 1)


KeyboardErrorUndefined = 3

Keyboard ErrorUndefined (Footnote 1)


KeyboardAa = 4

Keyboard a and A (Footnote 2)


KeyboardBb = 5

Keyboard b and B


KeyboardCc = 6

Keyboard c and C (Footnote 2)


KeyboardDd = 7

Keyboard d and D


KeyboardEe = 8

Keyboard e and E


KeyboardFf = 9

Keyboard f and F


KeyboardGg = 10

Keyboard g and G


KeyboardHh = 11

Keyboard h and H


KeyboardIi = 12

Keyboard i and I


KeyboardJj = 13

Keyboard j and J


KeyboardKk = 14

Keyboard k and K


KeyboardLl = 15

Keyboard l and L


KeyboardMm = 16

Keyboard m and M (Footnote 2)


KeyboardNn = 17

Keyboard n and N


KeyboardOo = 18

Keyboard o and O (Footnote 2)


KeyboardPp = 19

Keyboard p and P (Footnote 2)


KeyboardQq = 20

Keyboard q and Q (Footnote 2)


KeyboardRr = 21

Keyboard r and R


KeyboardSs = 22

Keyboard s and S


KeyboardTt = 23

Keyboard t and T


KeyboardUu = 24

Keyboard u and U


KeyboardVv = 25

Keyboard v and V


KeyboardWw = 26

Keyboard w and W (Footnote 2)


KeyboardXx = 27

Keyboard x and X (Footnote 2)


KeyboardYy = 28

Keyboard y and Y (Footnote 2)


KeyboardZz = 29

Keyboard z and Z (Footnote 2)


Keyboard1Exclamation = 30

Keyboard 1 and ! (Footnote 2)


Keyboard2At = 31

Keyboard 2 and @ (Footnote 2)


Keyboard3Hash = 32

Keyboard 3 and # (Footnote 2)


Keyboard4Dollar = 33

Keyboard 4 and $ (Footnote 2)


Keyboard5Percent = 34

Keyboard 5 and % (Footnote 2)


Keyboard6Caret = 35

Keyboard 6 and ^ (Footnote 2)


Keyboard7Ampersand = 36

Keyboard 7 and & (Footnote 2)


Keyboard8Asterisk = 37

Keyboard 8 and * (Footnote 2)


Keyboard9OpenParens = 38

Keyboard 9 and ( (Footnote 2)


Keyboard0CloseParens = 39

Keyboard 0 and ) (Footnote 2)


KeyboardEnter = 40

Keyboard Return (ENTER) (Footnote 3)

(Footnote 3): Keyboard Enter and Keypad Enter generate different Usage codes.


KeyboardEscape = 41

Keyboard ESCAPE


KeyboardBackspace = 42

Keyboard DELETE (Backspace) (Footnote 4)


KeyboardTab = 43

Keyboard Tab


KeyboardSpacebar = 44

Keyboard Spacebar


KeyboardDashUnderscore = 45

Keyboard - and _ (Footnote 2)


KeyboardEqualPlus = 46

Keyboard = and + (Footnote 2)


KeyboardOpenBracketBrace = 47

Keyboard [ and { (Footnote 2)


KeyboardCloseBracketBrace = 48

Keyboard ] and } (Footnote 2)


KeyboardBackslashBar = 49

Keyboard \ and |


KeyboardNonUSHash = 50

Keyboard Non-US # and (Footnote 5)


KeyboardSemiColon = 51

Keyboard ; and : (Footnote 2)


KeyboardSingleDoubleQuote = 52

Keyboard ’ and “ (Footnote 2)


KeyboardBacktickTilde = 53

Keyboard ` and ~ (Footnote 2)


KeyboardCommaLess = 54

Keyboard , and < (Footnote 2)


KeyboardPeriodGreater = 55

Keyboard . and > (Footnote 2)


KeyboardSlashQuestion = 56

Keyboard / and ? (Footnote 2)


KeyboardCapsLock = 57

Keyboard Caps Lock (Footnote 6)


KeyboardF1 = 58

Keyboard F1


KeyboardF2 = 59

Keyboard F2


KeyboardF3 = 60

Keyboard F3


KeyboardF4 = 61

Keyboard F4


KeyboardF5 = 62

Keyboard F5


KeyboardF6 = 63

Keyboard F6


KeyboardF7 = 64

Keyboard F7


KeyboardF8 = 65

Keyboard F8


KeyboardF9 = 66

Keyboard F9


KeyboardF10 = 67

Keyboard F10


KeyboardF11 = 68

Keyboard F11


KeyboardF12 = 69

Keyboard F12


KeyboardPrintScreen = 70

Keyboard PrintScreen (Footnote 7)


KeyboardScrollLock = 71

Keyboard ScrollLock (Footnote 6)


KeyboardPause = 72

Keyboard Pause (Footnote 7)


KeyboardInsert = 73

Keyboard Insert (Footnote 7)


KeyboardHome = 74

Keyboard Home (Footnote 7)


KeyboardPageUp = 75

Keyboard PageUp (Footnote 7)


KeyboardDelete = 76

Keyboard Delete Forward (Footnote 7) (Footnote 8)


KeyboardEnd = 77

Keyboard End (Footnote 7)


KeyboardPageDown = 78

Keyboard PageDown (Footnote 7)


KeyboardRightArrow = 79

Keyboard RightArrow (Footnote 7)


KeyboardLeftArrow = 80

Keyboard LeftArrow (Footnote 7)


KeyboardDownArrow = 81

Keyboard DownArrow (Footnote 7)


KeyboardUpArrow = 82

Keyboard UpArrow (Footnote 7)


KeypadNumLock = 83

Keypad Num Lock and Clear (Footnote 6)


KeypadDivide = 84

Keypad / (Footnote 7)


KeypadMultiply = 85

Keypad *


KeypadMinus = 86

Keypad -


KeypadPlus = 87

Keypad +


KeypadEnter = 88

Keypad ENTER (Footnote 3)


Keypad1End = 89

Keypad 1 and End


Keypad2DownArrow = 90

Keypad 2 and DownArrow


Keypad3PageDown = 91

Keypad 3 and PageDown


Keypad4LeftArrow = 92

Keypad 4 and LeftArrow


Keypad5 = 93

Keypad 5


Keypad6RightArrow = 94

Keypad 6 and RightArrow


Keypad7Home = 95

Keypad 7 and Home


Keypad8UpArrow = 96

Keypad 8 and UpArrow


Keypad9PageUp = 97

Keypad 9 and PageUp


Keypad0Insert = 98

Keypad 0 and Insert


KeypadPeriodDelete = 99

Keypad . and Delete


KeyboardNonUSSlash = 100

Keyboard Non-US \ and | (Footnote 9) (Footnote 10)


KeyboardApplication = 101

Keyboard Application (Footnote 11)


KeyboardPower = 102

Keyboard Power (Footnote 1)


KeypadEqual = 103

Keypad =


KeyboardF13 = 104

Keyboard F13


KeyboardF14 = 105

Keyboard F14


KeyboardF15 = 106

Keyboard F15


KeyboardF16 = 107

Keyboard F16


KeyboardF17 = 108

Keyboard F17


KeyboardF18 = 109

Keyboard F18


KeyboardF19 = 110

Keyboard F19


KeyboardF20 = 111

Keyboard F20


KeyboardF21 = 112

Keyboard F21


KeyboardF22 = 113

Keyboard F22


KeyboardF23 = 114

Keyboard F23


KeyboardF24 = 115

Keyboard F24


KeyboardExecute = 116

Keyboard Execute


KeyboardHelp = 117

Keyboard Help


KeyboardMenu = 118

Keyboard Menu


KeyboardSelect = 119

Keyboard Select


KeyboardStop = 120

Keyboard Stop


KeyboardAgain = 121

Keyboard Again


KeyboardUndo = 122

Keyboard Undo


KeyboardCut = 123

Keyboard Cut


KeyboardCopy = 124

Keyboard Copy


KeyboardPaste = 125

Keyboard Paste


KeyboardFind = 126

Keyboard Find


KeyboardMute = 127

Keyboard Mute


KeyboardVolumeUp = 128

Keyboard Volume Up


KeyboardVolumeDown = 129

Keyboard Volume Down


KeyboardLockingCapsLock = 130

Keyboad Locking Caps Lock (Footnote 12)


KeyboardLockingNumLock = 131

Keyboad Locking Num Lock (Footnote 12)


KeyboardLockingScrollLock = 132

Keyboad Locking Scroll Lock (Footnote 12)


KeypadComma = 133

Keypad Comma (Footnote 13)


KeypadEqualSign = 134

Keypad Equal Sign (Footnote 14)


KeyboardInternational1 = 135

Keyboard International1 (Footnote 15) (Footnote 16)


KeyboardInternational2 = 136

Keyboard International2 (Footnote 17)


KeyboardInternational3 = 137

Keyboard International3 (Footnote 18)


KeyboardInternational4 = 138

Keyboard International4 (Footnote 19)


KeyboardInternational5 = 139

Keyboard International5 (Footnote 20)


KeyboardInternational6 = 140

Keyboard International6 (Footnote 21)


KeyboardInternational7 = 141

Keyboard International7 (Footnote 22)


KeyboardInternational8 = 142

Keyboard International8 (Footnote 23)


KeyboardInternational9 = 143

Keyboard International9 (Footnote 23)


KeyboardLANG1 = 144

Keyboard LANG1 (Footnote 24)


KeyboardLANG2 = 145

Keyboard LANG2 (Footnote 25)


KeyboardLANG3 = 146

Keyboard LANG3 (Footnote 26)


KeyboardLANG4 = 147

Keyboard LANG4 (Footnote 27)


KeyboardLANG5 = 148

Keyboard LANG5 (Footnote 28)


KeyboardLANG6 = 149

Keyboard LANG6 (Footnote 29)


KeyboardLANG7 = 150

Keyboard LANG7 (Footnote 29)


KeyboardLANG8 = 151

Keyboard LANG8 (Footnote 29)


KeyboardLANG9 = 152

Keyboard LANG9 (Footnote 29)


KeyboardAlternateErase = 153

Keyboard Alternate Erase (Footnote 30)


KeyboardSysReqAttention = 154

Keyboard SysReq/Attention (Footnote 7)


KeyboardCancel = 155

Keyboard Cancel


KeyboardClear = 156

Keyboard Clear


KeyboardPrior = 157

Keyboard Prior


KeyboardReturn = 158

Keyboard Return


KeyboardSeparator = 159

Keyboard Separator


KeyboardOut = 160

Keyboard Out


KeyboardOper = 161

Keyboard Oper


KeyboardClearAgain = 162

Keyboard Clear/Again


KeyboardCrSelProps = 163

Keyboard CrSel/Props


KeyboardExSel = 164

Keyboard ExSel


Keypad00 = 176

Keypad 00


Keypad000 = 177

Keypad 000


ThousandsSeparator = 178

Thousands Separator (Footnote 31)


DecimalSeparator = 179

Decimal Separator (Footnote 31)


CurrencyUnit = 180

Currency Unit (Footnote 32)


CurrencySubunit = 181

Currency Sub-unit (Footnote 32)


KeypadOpenParens = 182

Keypad (


KeypadCloseParens = 183

Keypad )


KeypadOpenBrace = 184

Keypad {


KeypadCloseBrace = 185

Keypad }


KeypadTab = 186

Keypad Tab


KeypadBackspace = 187

Keypad Backspace


KeypadA = 188

Keypad A


KeypadB = 189

Keypad B


KeypadC = 190

Keypad C


KeypadD = 191

Keypad D


KeypadE = 192

Keypad E


KeypadF = 193

Keypad F


KeypadBitwiseXor = 194

Keypad XOR


KeypadLogicalXor = 195

Keypad ^


KeypadModulo = 196

Keypad %


KeypadLeftShift = 197

Keypad <


KeypadRightShift = 198

Keypad >


KeypadBitwiseAnd = 199

Keypad &


KeypadLogicalAnd = 200

Keypad &&


KeypadBitwiseOr = 201

Keypad |


KeypadLogicalOr = 202

Keypad ||


KeypadColon = 203

Keypad :


KeypadHash = 204

Keypad #


KeypadSpace = 205

Keypad Space


KeypadAt = 206

Keypad @


KeypadExclamation = 207

Keypad !


KeypadMemoryStore = 208

Keypad Memory Store


KeypadMemoryRecall = 209

Keypad Memory Recall


KeypadMemoryClear = 210

Keypad Memory Clear


KeypadMemoryAdd = 211

Keypad Memory Add


KeypadMemorySubtract = 212

Keypad Memory Subtract


KeypadMemoryMultiply = 213

Keypad Memory Multiply


KeypadMemoryDivide = 214

Keypad Memory Divice


KeypadPositiveNegative = 215

Keypad +/-


KeypadClear = 216

Keypad Clear


KeypadClearEntry = 217

Keypad Clear Entry


KeypadBinary = 218

Keypad Binary


KeypadOctal = 219

Keypad Octal


KeypadDecimal = 220

Keypad Decimal


KeypadHexadecimal = 221

Keypad Hexadecimal


KeyboardLeftControl = 224

Keyboard LeftControl


KeyboardLeftShift = 225

Keyboard LeftShift


KeyboardLeftAlt = 226

Keyboard LeftAlt


KeyboardLeftGUI = 227

Keyboard LeftGUI (Footnote 11) (Footnote 33)


KeyboardRightControl = 228

Keyboard RightControl


KeyboardRightShift = 229

Keyboard RightShift


KeyboardRightAlt = 230

Keyboard RightAlt


KeyboardRightGUI = 231

Keyboard RightGUI (Footnote 11) (Footnote 34)


Reserved = 232

Reserved keyboard values (used for all reserved / invalid values)

Trait Implementations§


impl Clone for KeyboardUsage


fn clone(&self) -> KeyboardUsage

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · Source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Debug for KeyboardUsage


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), Error>

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl Format for KeyboardUsage


fn format(&self, f: Formatter<'_>)

Writes the defmt representation of self to fmt.

impl From<u8> for KeyboardUsage


fn from(k: u8) -> KeyboardUsage

Converts to this type from the input type.

impl PartialEq for KeyboardUsage


fn eq(&self, other: &KeyboardUsage) -> bool

Tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==.
1.0.0 · Source§

fn ne(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

Tests for !=. The default implementation is almost always sufficient, and should not be overridden without very good reason.

impl Copy for KeyboardUsage


impl Eq for KeyboardUsage


impl StructuralPartialEq for KeyboardUsage

Auto Trait Implementations§

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> CloneToUninit for T
where T: Clone,


unsafe fn clone_to_uninit(&self, dst: *mut u8)

🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (clone_to_uninit)
Performs copy-assignment from self to dst. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T, W> HasTypeWitness<W> for T
where W: MakeTypeWitness<Arg = T>, T: ?Sized,


const WITNESS: W = W::MAKE

A constant of the type witness

impl<T> Identity for T
where T: ?Sized,


const TYPE_EQ: TypeEq<T, <T as Identity>::Type> = TypeEq::NEW

Proof that Self is the same type as Self::Type, provides methods for casting between Self and Self::Type.

type Type = T

The same type as Self, used to emulate type equality bounds (T == U) with associated type equality constraints (T: Identity<Type = U>).

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T> Same for T


type Output = T

Should always be Self

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<V, T> VZip<V> for T
where V: MultiLane<T>,


fn vzip(self) -> V


impl<T> FormatOrDebug for T
where T: Format,