
Crate storage

Available on crate feature storage only.
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Provides key-value pair persistent storage on flash.

Currently the same type used for serializing must be used for deserializing. While not doing so won’t cause unsafety, it might return garbage data, or panic.


  • A [Value] serialized using Postcard.
  • Object holding an instance of a key-value pair storage.



  • A data structure that can be deserialized from any data format supported by Serde.
  • A data structure that can be serialized into any data format supported by Serde.


  • Gets the last stored value from the flash that is associated with the given key.
  • Stores a key-value pair into flash memory.
  • Gets a [MutexGuard] of the global Storage object.
  • Deletes an item from flash.

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